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The Gain Mindset: How shifting your focus can increase your success

The other day, I was chatting with a client who was feeling pretty down about their business. “I just can’t seem to get ahead,” they said. “I’m still not where I want to be, and it’s so frustrating.”

I listened and then asked, “Where were you a year ago?”

They thought for a moment, “Well, a year ago, we were struggling to keep up with demand, and our systems were all over the place. Now, we’ve streamlined our processes, expanded our team, and increased our turnover.”

“So, you’ve made some significant progress?” I asked with a smile.

They paused and then laughed, “I guess I have, but it still doesn’t feel like enough.”

That’s when I introduced them to the concept of the Gain Mindset.

Are You Focused on the Gains or the Gaps?

In business (and life), it’s easy to focus on the gaps—those spaces between where you are now and where you want to be. This “Gap Thinking” can make you feel like no matter what you do, you’re never quite reaching your goals. It’s like chasing a moving target; the closer you get, the farther away it seems.

Let me give you an example:

  • “I’m not making as much profit as I want.”

  • “I still don’t have a perfect work-life balance.”

  • “My business isn’t growing as fast as I’d hoped.”

Sound familiar?

This is the gap talking. It’s all about what’s missing, what hasn’t been achieved yet, and what could be better. But here’s the thing—focusing on the gaps can make you feel constantly unfulfilled, no matter how much progress you’ve made.

Shifting to the Gain Mindset

Now, let’s flip the script. Instead of focusing on the gap, let’s look at the gains—the progress you’ve made and the steps you’ve taken toward your goals.

Here’s what that might look like:

  • “I’ve increased my profits by 20% over the past six months.”

  • “I’ve started setting boundaries, and now I have more time for myself and my family.”

  • “My business has grown steadily, and I’ve built a solid foundation for future expansion.”

Can you see the difference?

The Gain Mindset is about measuring yourself against your previous self, not some ideal that’s always just out of reach. It’s about recognising and celebrating the progress you’ve made, no matter how small it might seem.

Why This Simple Shift Matters

This mental shift from gap to gain can dramatically boost your happiness and satisfaction. It doesn’t change the facts of your situation, but it does change how you see them—and that makes all the difference.

By focusing on the gains, you’re not only more likely to feel good about where you are, but you’ll also build the momentum you need to keep moving forward.

Here’s a simple exercise: The next time you find yourself measuring your progress, stop and ask yourself, “Where was I six months ago? A year ago? Three years ago?”

Write down your answers, and you might be surprised at just how far you’ve come. Then, take a moment to celebrate your gains, however small they may seem. These small wins are the stepping stones to bigger successes.

If you are willing to put in the time and effort required to learn and implement strategies that will help your business thrive, get in touch!

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